Hormones govern the functioning of our organs and areclosely related to women's health. When hormones go wrong, many problems willfollow, and the most common of which is hair loss. The most commonhormone-induced hair loss problems are:
1. Androgen hair loss
Like male hair loss, some women's hair follicles aresensitive to DHT, which is converted by male hormones, and DHT can damage thehair follicles, thus causing hair loss. Anything that causes an excess of malehormones, or a decrease in female hormones, can trigger this androgeneticalopecia. This type of hair loss is mostly hereditary. The most commontreatment methods are finasteride, topical products and anti-inflammation scalptreatments. Hereditary hair loss is difficult to cure, but can be delayed orimproved with the appropriate treatments.
2. Postnatal hair loss
Some mothers experience sudden and massive hair loss threeto six months after giving birth as estrogen begins to fall back to normallevels. Generally speaking, this hair loss should correct itself within sixmonths, and the postnatal hair loss problem should stop. However, there arealso many cases where postnatal hair loss will trigger hereditary hair loss, andstill experience hair thinning one to two years after giving birth.
3. Thyroid Conditions
The thyroid gland secretes thyroid hormones and adenine,which are responsible for regulating human metabolism and controlling themetabolism of skin and hair. Both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism can causehair loss and the worsening of hair texture. In this case, topical medicationsand scalp care may not help a lot. Patients should seek further advice from adoctor to find an appropriate treatment plan.
4. Hormone Imbalance
Abnormal hormone levels in the body can cause hair loss. Thisusually occurs around menopause, or when a female is taking contraceptives orhas some gynecological diseases such as uterine fibroids and polycystic ovarysyndrome that leads to excess levels of androgens. For this type of hair loss,we recommend that patients take a blood test to detect the amount of hormonesin the blood, so as to grasp the hormone secretion status of various organs ofthe body to help find a treatment plan.
5. Stress
The hypothalamus is in charge of the hormone secretion ofthe whole body, but it is very sensitive to stress. Therefore, when we arestressed, the hormone secretion will become unbalanced, causing differentsymptoms and diseases. It can sometimes cause sudden shedding of hair, acondition called alopecia areata. For stress-indued hair loss, it is importantto deal with the root cause of stress first. The patient can also considerconsulting a nutritionist to develop a healthy diet and nutritional supplementsto de-stress. Other methods such as meditations, positive thinking, exercisescan also help.
Hair loss is very common among women. If you areexperiencing hair loss, do not feel disappointed and helpless. There are manytreatment options available now to improve hair loss.